1. O Muse! 07: Summer Solstice 2022
  2. O Muse! is going to the MOON!!!!
  3. Everything is Blue in this World
  4. Hunter Moon
  5. The House of the Seven Gables (excerpt)
  6. Deep Blue Plunge
  7. The oldest known star chart
  8. Star Taker
  9. One Circle More
  10. Did you say Puppets?
  11. Voices of the Air
  12. Voices of Earth
  13. Hear Me While You Can
  14. Singing Waters
  15. Hoo-Mee?
  16. Whippoorwill


Sierra Camille’s painting puppets are a unique arts entertainment based in New Orleans.

I made Mimi, my first painting marionette, modeled after myself. She was later followed by an abstract painting bird, a 12-foot giant painting puppet, and The Triplets of Sierra, who are life-sized tandem painters. I have repeatedly heard people say that they’ve never seen anyone else do what I do. What makes what I do unique isn’t just that my puppets paint, but that they paint well.

My work with painting puppets is performance art that produces a lasting work of art. Over twenty years ago I figured out a way to combine my love for painting with my love for puppetry.

I have developed as a painter through them, because my method of working provides a different perspective and distance from the painting. When I paint with a puppet I feel freed from the controlling part of my mind.

My process of creating paintings by dangling a paintbrush from a string may seem limiting, and in fact it is, but those limitations allow me to create art that is more organic and spontaneous. I feel that I have just begun to play with the potential of this handicap of an alter-ego puppet self. There are many more painting puppets that I plan to make that will bring new twists to my process.

Creating art is magical, as well as hard work. I think this becomes apparent by watching me paint, as my creative energy flows through my puppets.

Tracy and Tracy

“For my birthday, Sierra made a puppet for me, of me… that was probably the strangest gift I’ve ever opened. I was looking in at myself, looking out at me.” —Tracy Conway (Sierra’s partner)



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