1. O Muse! 07: Summer Solstice 2022
  2. O Muse! is going to the MOON!!!!
  3. Everything is Blue in this World
  4. Hunter Moon
  5. The House of the Seven Gables (excerpt)
  6. Deep Blue Plunge
  7. The oldest known star chart
  8. Star Taker
  9. One Circle More
  10. Did you say Puppets?
  11. Voices of the Air
  12. Voices of Earth
  13. Hear Me While You Can
  14. Singing Waters
  15. Hoo-Mee?
  16. Whippoorwill

A selection of poems from Johnette’s spring 2022 release
Singing Waters, A Selection of Haiku, Senryu, and Haibun

roofers next door
their shadows
work on my house

gathering sea shells
one moves
in my pocket

tide pool—
come and go

old ladies
under hairdryers

dishwater sky—
we walk through
the rinse cycle



Recipient of the Louisiana Writer Award, Johnette Downing is a musician, author, and cut-paper collage illustrator dedicated to sharing her Louisiana roots music and books with children. She is the author of thirty books and eleven recordings. The co-founder of the former New Orleans Haiku Society, Johnette is also a poet who has been widely published in journals such as bottle rockets, Frogpond, Modern Haiku, Mayfly, tiny words, and O Muse! to name a few. Her spring 2022 release, Singing Waters, A Selection of Haiku, Senryu, and Haibun from buddha baby press, is a collection of over one hundred of her previously published poems in one volume.

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